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Committee Chairs
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Read the MPTO Bylaws
The Mahtomedi Elementary Parent Teacher Organization is a 501(c)3 non-profit, 100% volunteer organization. Every parent/guardian of a K-5 student at Wildwood or O.H. Anderson Elementary Schools is a member of the Mahtomedi Elementary PTO. No matter where your interests and talents lie, we can find a place for you to thrive as a volunteer and would love your input at our monthly meetings! All opportunities are scalable, depending on your availability.
When you sign up for a volunteer opportunity, donate to the Fun Run, come to the Spring Fling, shop at the Book Fair, or purchase Spirit Wear, Original Works, or a School Supply Kit, you are directly supporting Wildwood and O.H. Anderson students, teachers, and schools.
Learn more about what we do by watching the video from the information session we hosted on March 18, 2024.
Attend a Monthly Meeting
All parents/guardians of K-5 students and staff at Wildwood and O.H. Anderson Elementary Schools are voting members of the MPTO and are welcome to attend.
September 11, 7:00 pm @ OHA Flex Lab
September 18, 9:30 am @ DEC Rm 121
October 9, 7:00 pm @ OHA Flex Lab
November 6, 9:30 am @ DEC Rm 121
January 8, 7:00 pm @ OHA Flex Lab
February 5, 9:30 am @ DEC Rm 121
March 19, 7:00 pm @ OHA Flex Lab
May 14, 7:00 pm @ OHA Flex Lab - Elections & Budget
June 11, TBD @ DEC Rm 121 - Annual Wrap-up
The MPTO is a 100% volunteer organization. We rely on the support of parents to continue the MPTO mission of student enrichment, teacher/staff support, and community building. Volunteers are needed to help out with MPTO activities and events, chair or co-chair committees, and serve on the Board. For most activities, volunteers must have the required background check completed.
Parents are encouraged to take advantage of student enrichment opportunities and to participate in events and purchase programs throughout the year. When you volunteer for an event, fundraise for the Fun Run, come to the Spring Fling, shop at the Book Fair, or purchase Spirit Wear, Original Works, or a School Supply Kit, you are directly supporting Wildwood and O.H. Anderson students, teachers, and schools.
Looking for an easy way to help raise cash for the schools? The MPTO participates in several programs to help raise money. Collection bins for items are located at Wildwood and O.H. Anderson.
Check out What’s Happening for upcoming events, activities, and volunteer opportunities.
Donations to the MPTO are always welcome. Contribute online to support MPTO activities.
Whether you donate, volunteer for an event, come to the Spring Fling, shop at the Book Fair, or purchase Spirit Wear, Original Works, or a School Supply Kit, you are directly supporting Wildwood and O.H. Anderson students, teachers, and schools.
Corporate Sponsorships
Corporate sponsorships are tax-deductible and include marketing opportunities. Cash and in-kind sponsorships are available. For information about becoming a MPTO sponsor, please visit our Sponsors page or contact
The Mahtomedi Elementary PTO is a 501c(3) nonprofit organization. Sponsorships and donations are TAX DEDUCTIBLE!
Tax ID #41-1700858