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To be contacted about upcoming deadlines, activities, events, and volunteer opportunities, please join the MPTO Mailing List. For all upcoming events, see the MPTO Calendar.

Get Involved!

When you sign up for a volunteer opportunity, donate to the Fun Run, shop at the Book Fairs, purchase Spirit Wear, or come to an event, you are directly supporting Wildwood and O.H. Anderson students, teachers, and schools.

Upcoming Events

Join us Thursday, April 3rd from 6:15 pm - 8:00 pm at Wildwood for a fun, free evening with your family! Enjoy Bingo games, win prize baskets, and connect with our community! 🍕Pizza will be available for purchase!


The Hospitality group will be helping to keep the teachers' lounge clean and fresh, and we’re calling on volunteers to assist with a much-needed deep clean. This will give our teachers a tidy, relaxing space where they can recharge and focus on their tasks without worrying about the mess.

🧹 When & Where: April 14, 9-11:30 AM @ OH Anderson AND 2:30-5 PM @ Wildwood

🧤 What to bring: Comfortable clothes, gloves (if you'd like), and any cleaning supplies you think could help!

We know how important it is for our teachers to have a space that’s both functional and clean, so your support would be greatly appreciated. The more hands, the quicker we get it done!

SignUp for OHA via SignUpGenius
SignUp for Wildwood via SignUpGenius


We’re hosting a Teacher Appreciation Breakfast on Thursday, May 8th at Wildwood and OHA to THANK our WONDERFUL teachers during Teacher Appreciation Week. Please consider signing up for an item(s) to donate or a volunteer activity.

Volunteer/Donate for Wildwood via SignUpGenius
Volunteer/Donate for OHA via SignUpGenius


Join us on Wednesday, May 14th at 7:00 pm in the Flex Lab at OHA for our May Monthly Meeting. As per the MPTO Bylaws, this meeting will include reviewing the 2025/26 budget and elections for Corresponding Secretary, Recording Secretary, and President-Elect.


Celebrate the end of the school year at the 2025 MPTO Spring Fling on Friday, May 16th from 5:00 - 8:00 pm at Wildwood—fun for the whole family! All funds raised support Wildwood and O.H. Anderson Elementary Schools. This year’s Spring Fling will feature a variety of free and ticketed games and activities, cotton candy, food trucks, classroom raffle baskets, community association booths, and spirit wear! More information coming soon. Save the date!

The Spring Fling is a big fundraiser for MPTO, and we cannot do it without A LOT of parent volunteers. Please consider signing up to work a fun, short shift during the event. View open slots on SignUpGenius


Jump to Upcoming Events and Activities

The MPTO is a 501(c)3 non-profit, 100% volunteer organization. Every parent/guardian of a K-5 student at Wildwood or O.H. Anderson Elementary Schools is a member of the Mahtomedi Elementary PTO. No matter where your interests and talents lie, we can find a place for you to thrive as a volunteer and would love your input at our monthly meetings! All opportunities are scalable, depending on your availability. There are several ways to get involved.

Volunteer Opportunities

Click on the name of the activity/event to learn more or click the SignUpGenius link to see open volunteer slots

Art Adventure


For three weeks in January, “Picture People” parent volunteers present artworks curated by the Minneapolis Institute of Art in first and second grade classrooms paired with a small art project. We will be needing one Picture Person and one parent assistant per classroom. Volunteers must have the required background check completed.

OH Anderson

Tuesdays after school in January and February, “Picture People” parent volunteers present artworks curated by the Minneapolis Institute of Art along with an art project with the help of parent assistants. Picture People volunteer slots have been split into two, 4 week commitments - January and/or February. Assistant slots are a one session commitment. You can sign-up for multiple slots/days. Volunteers must have the required background check completed.

Book Fair

Held at OHA in October and Wildwood in February. Volunteer from home to help with preparations or at the Book Fair processing sales through the easy to use cash register, keep an eye on inventory, and help restock. If working at the school, volunteers must have the required background check completed.

Card Sharks (WW)

Held in fall and winter. Volunteers needed for K-2 to lead small group games. If you volunteer, your student is guaranteed a spot. You can volunteer for a single session or all sessions. Volunteers must have the required background check completed. Volunteer for Winter Card Sharks via SignUpGenius

Family Fun

Community activities are held throughout the year including Popsicles in the Park in summer, Trunk or Treat in the fall, and Family Movie Nights on random Fridays in fall and winter.

Fun Run

Held in September at both Wildwood and O.H. Anderson, the Fun Run is the MPTO’s biggest fundraiser of the year. The only way to attend the Fun Run is as an approved volunteer! Volunteers MUST have the required background check completed and on file with the district prior to the event. When signing up, you can see which grades/classrooms are participating during each timeslot. Due to overwhelming demand for volunteer slots, parent volunteer signups are sent out via email directly from the school before they are posted here.


Teachers Lounge deep clean - april 14

The Hospitality group will be helping to keep the teachers' lounge clean and fresh, and we’re calling on volunteers to assist with a much-needed deep clean on April 14 from 9-11:30 AM @ OH Anderson AND 2:30-5 PM @ Wildwood.
SignUp for OHA via SignUpGenius
SignUp for Wildwood via SignUpGenius

Teacher Appreciation Breakfast - May 8

Please consider signing up for an item(s) to donate or a volunteer activity.
Volunteer/Donate for Wildwood via SignUpGenius
Volunteer/Donate for OHA via SignUpGenius

“Thankful Thursdays”

"Thankful Thursdays" is an opportunity to treat our OHA & Wildwood teachers on the second Thursday of each month. Please consider signing up individually or with a group of friends to treat our teachers with an easy to grab snack, beverage, and/or school supplies.
Volunteer for Thankful Thursdays via SignUpGenius

Teacher Holiday Snack Buffet - December

Please consider signing up for an item(s) to donate or a volunteer activity.

Teacher Buffet @ Conferences - Fall & Winter

Please consider signing up for an item(s) to donate or a volunteer activity.

Spirit Wear @ Back to School & Conferences

Sell Spirit Wear from Heritage Embroidery at the open house or conferences in fall and winter. Fun, easy, and a great way to meet people.

Spring Fling

MPTO’s spring fundraiser on May 16th—a fun event for the whole family. Volunteers are needed to sell tickets, run games, sell Spirit Wear, assist with raffle baskets, make cotton candy, staff the MPTO booth, and more! View open slots on SignUpGenius

Strategy Games (OHA)

Held in fall and winter. Volunteers needed for each session to assist as needed and provide general supervision. You can volunteer for a single session or all sessions. Volunteers must have the required background check completed. Volunteer for Winter Strategy Games via SignUpGenius

Committee Chair Openings

MPTO is a 100% VOLUNTEER organization that depends on the involvement of K-5 families. Many of our long-term volunteers will be “aging out” at the end of the 2024/25 school year. Please consider getting involved in one of the following positions:

  • Art Adventure Chair (OHA) - Art Adventure is an enrichment program for schools offered through the Minneapolis Institute of Art. At O.H. Anderson, students may participate in an afterschool club to explore the arts sets. The chair coordinates volunteers and activities.

  • Book Fair Chair (OHA) - The Scholastic Book Fair at OHA is held during Fall Conferences each year. We’re seeking a new chair to manage activities and coordinate with Scholastic and OHA for 2026.

  • Technology Chair - Work from home position responsible for maintenance of website (Squarespace) and occasional creation of Canva graphics in coordination with the MPTO Board.

  • Card Sharks Chair (WW) - Card Sharks is an enrichment club sponsored and led by MPTO parent volunteers. Students of all math abilities get to play a variety of card, dice, movement, and board games to practice and develop skills. The chair coordinates volunteers and activities.

  • Fun Run Fundraising Chair - The Fun Run is our biggest fundraising event of the year!  Responsibilities include emailing and calling local businesses to solicit donations and build relationships.  

Contact president@mahtomedipto.com for more information.


Join the MPTO Board

Correspondence Secretary - The Correspondence Secretary will take leadership of all newsletters/articles and e-news. Officer shall attend as many Board, Monthly, and Special meetings as possible. Officer will perform other duties as assigned by the organization.

Recording Secretary - The Recording Secretary will record, share and offer approval for any and/or all meeting minutes including action items needed for each Officer. The Recording Secretary will provide any relevant documents needed to facilitate meetings including but limited to minutes, bylaws, and budget reports.

President-Elect - The President-Elect will assist the President and, in the absence of the President, shall perform the duties of the President. The President-Elect, after having served for one year, shall automatically become the President of the organization. Duties include assisting the President and learning committee functioning to make transitions easier. Monitor and maintain the current year’s Strategic Calendar. In the late spring, prepare the next year’s Strategic Calendar including standing committees, staffing committee chairs, define committee’s strategic dates with co-chairs, and reserving facilities on behalf of the committee chairs. 

Nominations are needed for 2025/26. Elections for Recording Secretary, Correspondence Secretary, and President-Elect will be held in May 2025. Contact president@mahtomedipto.com to learn more.

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